

Remediation of Former U.S. Navy Defense Fuel Supply Point and 7.25 Mile Pipeline

Brunswick and South Harpswell, Maine - The first phase of this federal remediation project consisted of supervising and coordinating the removal and remediation of petroleum impacted soil adjacent to 4.5 miles of underground fuel lines associated with 14-80,000 barrel, above-ground, bulk oil storage tanks predominantly containing aviation fuel. Other responsibilities during extensive site remediation included sampling, and analyzing in a field laboratory, over 500 potentially lead-contaminated soils across the site. Soil samples were analyzed using an x-ray fluorescence analyzer to further determine remediation procedures. Pre and post remediation activities also included performing groundwater monitoring across this 118-acre Site and maintained quarterly groundwater sampling data. Approximately 12 years after the above described work was completed, EnviroTech was part of a project team that removed over 7.25 miles of pipeline extending from the Defense Fuel Supply Point in South Harpswell to Brunswick Naval Air Station in Brunswick, Maine. EnviroTech collected and field analyzed soil samples every 50 feet along the pipeline to determine presence of impacted soil. Other responsibilities were coordinating with prime contractor's crew, supervision and documentation of soil sampling and remediation efforts and results, documentation of daily field activities, communication with contractors and State and Federal agencies on this high profile project.

Designed And Developed
By Raven Crowe   ©2012